

Page history last edited by Jill Ewing Flynn 11 years, 1 month ago

Welcome to the Teacher Tech Tool Wiki!

This is a wiki created by University of Delaware English Education students in ENGL395: Literacy and Technology in fall of 2013. We have created this site to be a resource for English teachers who want to learn about integrating technology into their classrooms.


Using the wiki

  • On the Navigator menu on the right, you will see a list of sites, apps, social media, and other tools that students have researched. Scroll up and down in the Navigator box to see them all.
  • To read more about each tool, click the corresponding page.
  • All entries include a basic description of the tool, how to access/use it, some potential benefits and drawbacks, and a couple of ideas about how to use the tool in an ELA classroom.
  • Several students also created webcasts to make the process even easier.  Click the embedded image to view any webcast.


Please comment

We hope you will find this site useful!  Please feel free email jeflynn@udel.edu with any feedback you have.


Thank you for visiting,

Jill Ewing Flynn, Ph.D. and UD English Education students, class of 2015


University of Delaware

Newark, DE


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